
Story Analysis - Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Stories can have a lot of different themes: Rebellion against fate, a love that conquers all and more. But the majority of stories have one theme in common: growing up. It has been done good, it has been done horribly wrong, but it still captures the heards of it's readers, watchers and listeners. But why? I mean, I see a lot of brats around me every day, and I swear some of them grow about my height in one day! Well, that's not the growing up that is meant. It's a creature growing up emotionally, accepting the consequences of their doing. Growing up is a change so mesmerizing, we can't help but watch. What kind of person will await us at the end of the transformation? This is what Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is in it's core: A story about a young boy growing up, beginnig with a fateful encounter. What is XenobladeChronicles 2 about? Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is about a boy called Rex, who lives in a world called Alrest, where people inhabit the backs (or bellies, hea

Gamescom adventures - part 2

On the second day of the Gamescom, I didn't play as many games as before, but bigger titles instead. Meaning I spent more time in queues. It was still a lot of fun though, and most of the games were worth the wait. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate by Nintendo The day began with a blast and I onlay had to wait 10 minutes to play it. I dare saying that probably not everyone was as lucky as me, since most of the time there was a big queue of 5/6 hours. Smash Bros. Ultimate was exactly what you would expect from it: Quick fun, not too many suprises. I found the game to feel more responsive to my input than Smah Brow. Wii U and overall it felt more fluent. A safe buy for me, and I won both rounds I got to play, so there's a chance that I won't do to bad in the game. Team Sonic Racing by Sega Now this is a game I didn't thought I would play. Or like. But there was no queue and so I had a pretty good time with it. I liked how important teamwork was, with the game makin

Gamescom adventures

Since I spent the last days on the Gamescom in Cologne, I thought they would be the perfect topic for my next post. I will probably split it into three parts, each part for one day, so it stays reasonable. For the most part, will talk about the games I played and what I thought about them. Let's get started! DAY 1 The first day I spent mostly with indie games, simply because I was too lazy to line up for the big titles like Smash Brothers, Tomb Raider etc. But that is not particularly a bad thing, since I found almost everyone of them a good investement of my time. Now, what exactly did I play? Lost Ember by Mooneye Studios I wish there was a picture of the pig you can play. It was so cute Lost Ember was simpley beautiful. In this game you play as a wolf who can transform into other animals. While I don't know what the story is about, the atmosphere was fantastic. But it wasn't without flaws: The demo was pretty long, which isn't really fitting for the Games

Drawing for the B-day of my mother - Work in Progress

So I continued with the drawing for my mother and coloured it. Now it is a flat, meaning there is no depth of view in the moment. That will happen in the next step, when I start shading the picture. I still might do some small changes in the basic colors and the poses, as I did this time. Now Before I definitely have to clean the outlines a bit, since some of them are still pretty rough. See you next time!

Drawing for the B-day of my mother

Everybody knows the problem: Somebody important to you has his or her birthday and there you stand, without a clue what to gift. Well, today was the birthday of my mother. This year I wanted to draw something for her, something beautiful. But the time kind of ran away from me and now the day has come and I am starting with working on her gift... today. A bit late, I know, but luckily my mother is a very understanding person. So I thought I would share the progress of working on it with you! Today I worked on the layout of the drawing using silhouettes. All characters are from Studio Ghibli movies, since my mother and I love watching those movies together. Next I will start colouring it, but first only as a flat (meaning no big light effects etc.)

Character Analysis - Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology

Well here we go again. All that I have written is gone and I have to write it again. I was in such a good mood, nearly done with everything but that couldn't be, right? Now, in this post I want to look what makes the cast of Radiant Historia such a splendid cast. I will try to spoil as less as possible, so don't worry as we dive in! By th way, I can only recommend reading the story analysis first ;) Stocke Writing a good protagonist is not easy. Commonly in JRPGs there are two ways to handle a protagonist: Either you make him a somewhat bland character so every player can easily identify with him or you make him a strong character, risking that not everyone identifies with him. Stocke is somewhat inbetween. While he is calm, he definitly has his own character. Every choice the player makes for him are choices that fit the picture the player constructed when seeing him. Him be

Character Analysis - Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology would be now here

Oh, how I hate it. I was done, it was beautiful, only thing that was missing was the disclaimer. But then one misclick, everything crashed and now two hours of work are gone. I will write this text again. But I doubt it will be uploaded today. I will now eat some ice cream or so and then try to write the text as good as before. But it will take some time and there are other things needing my attention as well.